Free Fibular Osteoseptocutaneus Flap for Reconstruction Giantameloblastoma

Rachmat Wiardi, Irra Rubianti W


Ameloblastoma is a tumor originating from odontogenic epithelial cells. The tumor is located in the gray zone between
benign and malignant neoplasms. These tumors can occur at any age. Although traditionally divided as solid and
cystic ameloblastoma, nearly all showed cystic changes. These tumors are invasive and have a very high recurrence
rate. Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic tumor that is often found. These tumors are generally diagnosed in the fourth
and fifth decade. Approximately 80% of these tumors occur in the jaw, with three-quarters are in the molar region and
ramus. Approximately 20% of them occurred in the premolar and incisivum. Operative therapy was elected a radical
resection of the affected parts of the jaw, followed by reconstruction. Bridging titanium plate can be used to replace
part of lost bone and serves as a means of reconstruction. Various methods of reconstruction of the mandible can be
done by using a bone graft from the calcaneus, fibula, ribs, scapula, iliac crest, or flap reconstruction. We report a
case of male patients at entry RSHS Hospital May 11, 2010 18 years old with complaints arising the lump under the
tongue ± 8 years ago, accompanied by difficulty eating, difficulty speaking, and shortness of breath. Patients in the
diagnosis of ameloblastoma of the mandible on the basis of anatomic pathology examination. It was decided to do the
reconstruction of segmental mandibulectomy and free fibular osteoseptocutaneous free flap with multiple osteotomy.
Patients go home in improvement condition.


ameloblastoma, free fibular flap osteoseptocutaneus

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