Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Kepuasan Penyidik Kepolisian terhadap Pelayanan Visum et Repertum

Dedi Afandi, Theresia Pradiani, Fathorrahman Fathorrahman


Visum et Repertum (VeR) service is one of the health services in hospitals. Measuring the satisfaction of police investigators as the main customers of VeR services is important to assess and evaluate service quality. This study aims to obtain a valid and reliable instrument for measuring police investigator satisfaction, service quality, VeR’s quality, and waiting time for VeR services. Descriptive research was conducted on Pekanbaru city police investigators, from April to May 2022. The questionnaire items were developed based on a literature study and a panel of experts prior to the trial. A total of 77 respondents were willing to take part in the questionnaire trial to assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire instrument. There are 4 items for the police investigator satisfaction instrument, 10 items for the service quality instrument, 2 items for the waiting time instrument, and 6 items for the VeR quality instrument. All items have Pearson correlation (r) values ranging from 0.339 to 0.931. The four instruments showed the smallest Cronbach's alpha value of 0.614 and the largest of 0.943. All assessment instruments are valid and reliable to assess satisfaction with VeR services.


instrument, satisfaction, visum et repertum


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