Pengaruh Herbisida Paraquat Diklorida Oral Terhadap Hati Tikus Putih

Muhartono Muhartono, Yolanda Fratiwi, Indri Windarti, Susianti Susianti


The use of herbicide paraquat dichloride by farmers, is one of effort to increase the production in agricultural sector.
Herbicide paraquat dichloride often used by farmers carelessly and there was caution ignorance. Herbicide cause
much adverse effect to organs, especially in liver through oral. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of
oral herbicide paraquat dichloride to hepatocyte swelling and sinusoidal congestion in liver of male rats (Rattus
novergicus) Sprague dawley strain. In this experimental study, 25 male rats (Rattus novergicus) Sprague dawley
strain are divided randomly into 5 group and treated for 2 days. K1 is group of controlled, K2, K3, K4, K5 are given
herbicide paraquat dichloride 25 mg/kgBW, 50 mg/kgBW, 100 mg/kgBW, and 200 mg/kgBW. The results showed
that the average number of hepatocyte swelling and sinusoidal congestion in liver was increasing. In Kruskal Wallis
test and Post Hoc Mann Whitney test found significant difference p=0.000 (p<0.005). There are significant effect of
oral paraquat dichloride to hepatocyte swelling and sinusoidal congestion in liver of male rats (Rattus novergicus)
Sprague dawley strain.


hepatocyte swelling, paraquat dichloride, sinusoidal congestion, white rats liver

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