Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan dan Sikap Terhadap Tindakan Pencegahan Penyakit Chikungunya pada Keluarga di Desa Kepenuhan Timur , Kec. Kepenuhan, Kab.Rokan Hulu, Propinsi Riau.

Tuti Restuastuti, Yuliawati Yuliawati, Suri Dwi Lesmana


Chikungunya is a viral illness that is caused by Chikungunya virus and transmitted by Aedes sp. The purpose of this
research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude with practice of chikungunya disease
prevention to families in Kepenuhan Timur village Kepenuhan Subdistrict Rokan Hulu regency. The method of this
research was analytic crossectional study. The sample size were 230 families. The amount of subject were determind
using simple random sampling. The data were collected by using questionaires. The results of this research showed
that 64,3% of respondent had lack of knowledge, 99,1% of respondent had positive attitudes and 84,8% of respondents
had negative behavior in chikungunya disease prevention. There was no significant relationship between knowledge
and attitudes with practice of chikungunya disease prevention in Kepenuhan Timur village with p value > 0,05.


Knowledge, attitudes, practice, chikungunya, prevention.

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